In 2022, I was fully expecting to move out of state in 2023, so I went to my barber for what I thought would be the last time, and left him a rather large tip to thank him for being a great barber for the past 8 years. One month passed, and it became clear […]
Wasting Your Life Learning the Wrong Things
Today, I finally fixed my network homelab so that one of my servers can host web applications using the Django framework. Mind you, my professional experience has been more along the lines of the .Net framework, and I even spent about 4 years building a fairly complex open source web application using it. As I […]
Identity, Community, and the Desire to Fit In
I’ve meant to write this for some time, but I’ve continually put it off. It is, first and foremost, a story, but it is a story with a deeper message that I think can be valuable to others. I have always gotten along well with people. In grade school, I was something of a chameleon […]
Buying “Healthier” Foods
For the past few months, I’ve been buying the expensive “pasture-raised” eggs from the grocery store. I had heard that they generally contain more nutrition, since the diet of the chickens is more varied and natural, and the eggs themselves are therefore greater sources of omega-3s, etc. I also learned to watch out for green-washing […]
Imbalances in Power: You vs. Insurance, Warranties, and Property Management Companies
People often think they can get something for nothing, and while this can be true on rare and isolated occasions, it is not true in the long run, and it is not true reliably. This is nowhere better illustrated, perhaps, then in how people often relate to insurance, warranties, and property management companies. Insurance As […]
New Perspectives on Item Usage and Spending Money Wisely
This will probably be one of my more boring posts, but I find myself sometimes fascinated with the philosophy of owning things and the usage of money. In general, I’ve long believed that the more you use something, the better, at least when it’s something that can be “used” (which is to distinguish it from, […]
The Perfect Boiling Pot (and Other Consumer Woes)
Several months ago, when I started making major dietary changes, one of the key changes I made involved replacing the frozen cheese pitas I used to eat for breakfast with boiled eggs from pasture-raised chickens. A week or two ago, I tried those cheese pitas for the first time in over a month, and I […]
Philosophies of Food and Health
Everybody has a philosophy of food. People who say they don’t simply don’t know that they do. Here in the modern world, we are all born, at some point or another, into a political climate that espouses one food philosophy or another, and we are all raised with a food philosophy by our parents; both […]
A Slow Transition Toward Healthier Foods
It’s been a little over a month since I started ditching some of my favorite unhealthy foods in exchange for much healthier foods, but it’s been a tough trip, and there’s still more progress to be made. I don’t mean to start out on a negative note, but I think it’s important for setting up […]
The Bread is a Lie
When I returned from my first trip to Nepal, I tried to replicate some of the foods I had eaten while I was there. My experiments with chapati failed miserably, but the tea houses in the Manang region had served buckwheat pancakes that I really liked, and to my surprise, buckwheat flour is fairly common […]