I have at times been a junkie for blogs on Financial Independence. But I often grow bored with them, and the people on one particular forum that I enjoy visiting frequently annoy me because so many of them are wholly dedicated to not spending any money. What, is spending money wrong? So you have these […]
Category: Minimalism
I realized just a moment ago that one of the key motivators in my own approach to minimalism is the simple desire to feel connected. Who would have thought? A general philosophy about objects and possessions might actually be related to a bigger perspective on relationship, on how we relate to the things and the […]
I bought an expensive bookshelf. It is probably the most I have ever paid for something that serves no functional purpose, considering that I already have a bookshelf downstairs that’s half empty. No, this bookshelf serves an aesthetic purpose. I’ve never been so excited over a piece of furniture. Maybe my couch when I bought […]
Every year or two, I get rid of a bunch of stuff. I always feel like writing about it because it’s such a reflective topic and there’s so much that goes into the things we own and why we own them. I discover something new every year. In times past, I’ve noted that getting rid […]
Unused Stuff
It is June. In two weeks, half of the year will be over. I’m painfully reminded that seasons can change very quickly, so I need to be doing the things I really want to do with my life. Around March and April I took some liberties with my money, treating myself to this thing and […]
On Keeping and Getting Rid of Things
About five or six years ago, I gave up almost all of my video games. I said goodbye to my PS2 and all the games I played in middle school and high school. I gave up my Game Boy Color. I even gave up the Game Cube I scored from a garage sale for $10. […]
Fear and Keeping the Things We Hate
Most of us have a possession or two of which we think, “Ugh, I hate this thing.” It can be anything: clothing, books, kitchen utensils, tools, appliances, decorations, gifts. This past year I’ve reduced my collection of shirts from around 60 to 36. It required a significant amount of mental effort, but I frequently came […]