Adventures in Tax Law! – International Part 1

If I were any good at cartooning, I would draw the following scene, stick-figure style: an agent stands guard. Out of nowhere he’s attacked by a mysterious enemy. He fights back. The struggle intensifies. It takes the two up flights of stairs and near harrowing ledges. Finally they are on the rooftop. With a split-second […]

Savings Burnout

Well, it was bound to happen at some point. I filed my taxes last week, and I’m expecting a decent return. Now, there are a few things I could do with that money: dump it in my Roth IRA, add it to one of my savings buckets (personal? car? emergency fund?), give it away, or […]

Comfort and Boredom

My favorite weather is “impending doom”. I use this term to describe the approach of massive storms, such as when thunderheads are rolling toward Denver over the eastern planes, or when a snowstorm is approaching and the plows are out in unison, preparing for the battle ahead. It’s exciting. A small part of me comes […]

Low Paying Jobs

Michael: “Francesca is my oldest brother’s daughter. He died many years ago, and ever since I’ve felt much more of a father than an uncle. I love her very much. I’m pleased and impressed that you had the thought to come to me before going on with your plans. It shows me that you’re a […]

Poverty Thinking

I’ve spent a lot more than I planned these past two months. It started with a phone and a refurbished laptop, then continued with a pair of blu-tooth headphones, several television blu-ray sets, and finally ended with some gifts for family and car parts. Spending large amounts of money usually makes me feel a bit […]

Frugality is Not a Competition

…it is merely a strategy. I’ve never had a particularly positive view of competition, probably because I have most often seen it used for selfish reasons. I think of some of the less-reputable athletes at my high school who thought it was fun to dominate those less-athletic in gym class. There are some very good […]

The Missionary House

At one of my previous churches, there was an older couple who owned a million+ dollar mansion in a rich area of Parker. This was years before house prices began to skyrocket in Colorado. It had several floors, an enormous atrium, an elevator, a spa, a half-court for basketball, some cool outdoor seating areas with […]

Thoughts on Travel

It’s travel season. I know this because my Facebook newsfeed has been blowing up with pictures for the past month. I have mixed feelings about travel. Which is why I’m writing this. Travel and I go back a ways and have a bit of a dark history.       Part 1: The Past When […]

The PlayStation Hunt: A Case Study in Consumerism

Some of my favorite memories from my previous church involve the game nights we used to have. At the time, I was pretty terrible at first-person shooters but managed to learn enough to get into the games and play decently, which helped to make things fun. By far the coolest game “night” was the 10 […]

The Unpopularity of Financial Independence

I don’t have any friends who are interested in financial independence. A few friends have encountered Mr. Money Mustache’s blog through the course of their financial searches, but I don’t know anybody else personally who is pursuing FI. Largely, I don’t think anybody knows it is an option. I certainly didn’t. I once had the […]