Books on Global Issues

Several weeks ago, the book “Cobalt Red” came to my attention. It apparently details the slave-labor conditions that once again exist in the Congo, a chain reaction to the global surge in demand for lithium batteries, which employ components of cobalt. My gut reaction was to go out and buy it, but as I’ve mentioned […]

Good Success vs Bad Success: Competition, Self-Esteem, and Purpose

It might seem odd to label success as either good or bad, but I think there’s some value in recognizing the difference. But first off, some background. Lately, I’ve been thinking more about a question I had some time ago: how can you choose to reject something and not also condemn it? This is easy […]

Buying “Healthier” Foods

For the past few months, I’ve been buying the expensive “pasture-raised” eggs from the grocery store. I had heard that they generally contain more nutrition, since the diet of the chickens is more varied and natural, and the eggs themselves are therefore greater sources of omega-3s, etc. I also learned to watch out for green-washing […]

Philosophies of Food and Health

Everybody has a philosophy of food. People who say they don’t simply don’t know that they do. Here in the modern world, we are all born, at some point or another, into a political climate that espouses one food philosophy or another, and we are all raised with a food philosophy by our parents; both […]

The Bread is a Lie

When I returned from my first trip to Nepal, I tried to replicate some of the foods I had eaten while I was there. My experiments with chapati failed miserably, but the tea houses in the Manang region had served buckwheat pancakes that I really liked, and to my surprise, buckwheat flour is fairly common […]

Lonely People and Content Creators

Lately, there’s been an annoying trend of YouTube channels producing podcast-style content in the form of “after-show” thoughts and discussions. One of my favorite movie critics now regularly publishes snippets of conversation from hours-long “discussion” podcasts, and produces these far more frequently than he does actual movie reviews. They are sometimes tolerable in such small […]

Life Strategy and Ecology

There are so many different temperaments and circumstances among people that I don’t think it makes sense to take any one financial strategy and hold it up as the one, true way. The investments that are available to you are also specific to your country, its laws and institutions, and the time period in which […]

The System is Always Right!!!

These are brief, scattered, cynical thoughts, but I wanted to write them out. I’ve noticed that people who did really well in school are very quick to defend the educational system, and it’s like, “Yeah, of course you enjoyed it – it worked for you”, whereas many other people had very different experiences and consequently […]

Schadenfreude and Expectations

On my second to last day in Nepal, I was reluctantly ferried to a restaurant with a large group of white people and basically trapped in a large room where we waited 2.5 hours for the main meal to be served while generally being sold alcohol and goaded for donations by actors who half-assedly performed […]

Fruit Vendors

I should have been trekking today, but thanks to the ridiculous weather Nepal has been experiencing, I’m sitting in a hotel reflecting on life and stuff (and reading memes). The other day, in Kathmandu, I was hanging out with my porter from the trip I took earlier this year, and as we were browsing around, […]